Welcome to Maryam Rajavi's website

Maryam Rajavi is the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (Coalition of democratic Iranian opposition) for the transitional period during which sovereignty will be transferred to the people of Iran. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran calls for a republic based on the separation of religion and state, gender equality, abolition of the death penalty and a non-nuclear Iran.

Berlin Conference Observes the World Day Against the Death Penalty

This regime holds the global record for executions, carrying out 74% of the world’s recorded executions last year. It stands as the highest executioner of women in the modern world. This is a regime responsible for the largest massacre of political prisoners since World War II

Maryam Rajavi meets with Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Several Representatives during Her Visit to the Council of Europe

In this meeting, they discussed the severe and systematic human rights violations by the Iranian regime, its warmongering policies, as well as recent developments in the Iranian people's Resistance and social protests.

Speeches at the Meetings of the Parliamentary Groups of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) at the Council of Europe

Export of terrorism, fundamentalism, and warmongering are the other side of domestic repression and an integral part of the regime's strategy for survival.

Conference with MPs and Distinguished Dignitaries in Germany

Today, European countries, including Germany, have started to see the reality that the regime will not become moderate. However, by ignoring the role of the people and the deep-rooted organized resistance, they accept this regime as a reality.

Maryam Radjavi

Maryam Rajavi, The President-elect of the NCRI

Maryam Rajavi was born into a middle-class family in Tehran. One of her brothers, Mahmoud, is a veteran member of the PMOI/MEK and was a political prisoner during the Shah’s regime.
Her older sister, Narges, was killed by the Shah’s secret police, SAVAK, in 1975.
Her other sister, Massoumeh, an industrial engineering student, was arrested by the clerical regime in 1982. Pregnant at the time, she was ultimately hanged after undergoing brutal torture. Massoumeh’s husband, Massoud Izadkhah, was also executed.
Maryam Rajavi graduated with honors from the prestigious Sharif University of Technology in metallurgical engineering.
She joined the PMOI/MEK to participate in the popular resistance against the two corrupt dictatorships of the Shah and the mullahs. In the 1970s, during her college years, she organized anti-Shah student protests.
In 1980, she ran for a seat in Parliament from Tehran. But, due to widespread voter fraud by the new fundamentalist regime, none of the opposition candidates made it into Parliament. Despite the scam, Maryam Rajavi received over 250,000 votes.



Human Rights in Iran

Maryam Rajavi’s viewpoints on human rights in Iran The Iranian Resistance struggles for the establishment of freedom, equality, and democracy in Iran and a republic based on the separation of religion and state. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) underscores its commitment to revive human rights in Iran and abolish the death penalty […]

Abolition of the Death Penalty in Future Iran

Maryam Rajavi’s views on the abolition of the death penalty in Iran As it has been outlined in its Ten-Point Plan, the Iranian Resistance has been calling for the abolition  of the death penalty for years. We emphasize on this need and we call on our compatriots to widely protest the implementation of this inhuman […]

Platform for Future Iran

Maryam Rajavi’s 10 points plan for future Iran 1. Rejection of velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule). Affirmation of the people’s sovereignty in a republic founded on universal suffrage and pluralism; 2. Freedom of speech, freedom of political parties, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and the internet. Dissolution and disbanding of the Islamic Revolutionary […]

Women’s equal rights and freedoms

The Plan on Women’s Rights and Freedoms In 1987, the National Council of Resistance (NCRI) unanimously adopted a plan on the rights and freedoms of women in Iran. In March 2010, Maryam Rajavi presented the perspectives of Iranian Resistance’s in this respect during a meeting held at the European Parliament titled “Women Pioneer Democratic Change […]

Last Highlights

What measures should be taken to support Iranian women?

If you have felt the regime’s misogyny with your flesh and bone, if you have no doubt that women...

The “No to Executions” Campaign

In the face of a regime characterized by executions and massacres, we must vigorously support and expand the "No...

Iranian people protest drastic living conditions and chaotic state of water and electricity

Changes in faces and officials within the Velayat-e Faqih regime, built on the usurpation of people's sovereignty, crime, corruption,...

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Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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