Event Reports

Speech at the Conference in Washington, DC: A FREE IRAN: Solution to Warmongering & Terror, Internal Repression

A FREE IRAN: Solution to Warmongering & Terror, Internal Repression Maryam Rajavi: The recent election was a de facto referendum rejecting the clerical regime


International Women’s Day Conference in Paris Featuring Women Dignitaries from 28 Countries

Maryam Rajavi: Women’s Active and Equal Participation in Political Leadership Is Indispensable to Democracy


Iran: Resisting Tyranny, An Oppressive Judiciary, Combating State Terrorism

Maryam Rajavi: Justice, court, trial, and an independent judiciary are non-existent concepts under the clerical regime in Iran


Mid-term session of the national council of resistance of Iran on the eve of the sham elections of the mullahs’ regime

For 43 years, the people and the Resistance of Iran have not recognized the slightest legitimacy in the regime's sham election,


Freedom-Loving Iranians Rally on the Anniversary of the Iranian People’s Anti-Monarchical Revolution

Maryam Rajavi: The Revolution Is Imminent It is February, the month associated with revolution, marked by the overthrow of the Shah's dictatorship. And certainly, the overthrow of the mullahs will also occur.


Conference at the UK Parliament

Maryam Rajavi: The right strategy is the Iranian regime’s overthrow by the Iranian people and Resistance


Speech at Victor Hugo Hall of the National Assembly of France

Maryam Rajavi: The overthrow crisis stands as the primary motive behind Khamenei's resort to war in the Middle East


Conference at the European Parliament, Strasbourg

Maryam Rajavi: The only way to stop the war and crisis, is standing up against the main instigator of the war, the Iranian regime


Conference in Paris on the World Day against the Death Penalty

Maryam Rajavi: The right policy is to stand up to the regime of executions, terrorism, and warmongering


Conference entitle, “Iran: Uprising and Resistance against the Regime of Execution”

Maryam Rajavi: The regime fears a nationwide movement that is ready for a fundamental change in Iran


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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