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Iran protests

Iran: Execution of 18 Prisoners in Four Days and 166 Executions Since the Inauguration of New President

Maryam Rajavi’s Call for Immediate Action to Save Prisoners: Relations with This Regime Must be Conditioned on Ending Torture and Executions


Maryam Rajavi: Nothing has changed in the Iranian government and leadership of the mullahs, and nothing will change

In the midst of a new wave of executions, Iran’s new president, stressing his and his ministers’ loyalty to the Velayat-e Faqih, made a desperate appeal to the Majlis (Iran’s parliament) to approve his...


Protest Gatherings of Nurses in Various Provinces of Iran

As part of the wave of nurses' protests in Iran that began in recent weeks, today, Saturday, August 17, nurses at the "Imam Reza" hospital in Mashhad gathered in the complex's courtyard and chanted...


UNSR Prof. Javaid Rehman Releases His Report

At the conclusion of his six-year mission, Professor Javaid Rehman, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran, issued a detailed report declaring that the massacre of PMOI prisoners in 1981,...


Freedom-Loving Iranians Rally on the Anniversary of the Iranian People’s Anti-Monarchical Revolution

Our Resistance is proud to have taken this glorious path and built the essential institutions and foundations for a struggle with inevitable victory.


Strike and Protest by Thousands of Isfahan Steelworkers

Maryam Rajavi: I salute thousands of striking and protesting Isfahan Steelworkers. The only way to confront Khamenei and the mullahs’ criminal and plundering regime is to strike, protest, and resist.


Conference entitle, “Iran: Uprising and Resistance against the Regime of Execution”

The Iranian people are determined to overthrow the religious dictatorship. They reject all kinds of dictatorships, including both the Shah and the mullahs.


Maryam Rajavi’s message for the new academic year 2023-2024

The first lesson is the lesson of freedom and paying the price of freedom


The Iranian regime is primed for total collapse

Khamenei knows he can’t offer concessions, since the smallest shift could trigger another uprising across the deprived and suppressed nation


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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