08 Nov 2006

Everything for freedom and democracy

Catégories // Highlights

Everything for freedom and democracy

We want to replace religious despotism with freedom and democracy. For us, democracy is not merely a slogan. For us, democracy and freedom are ideals. Human beings are known for their freedom and the ability to choose. In my view, without freedom and democracy human values would not flourish.

For us, democracy is a strategy. Without committing ourselves to freedom and democratic relationships, we would have been unable to withstand the mullahs’ suppression for 27 years. Without democratic relationships, our movement could not succeed from here on.

For us, democracy is a historic necessity. This is what the Iranian people’s century-long struggle has aspired for. In the current millennium, change without freedom would inevitably lead to retrogression. 

And for us, freedom is a political and social necessity. Without restoring the Iranian people’s usurped rights, poverty will not be eradicated in Iran. And there is no possibility for economic progress and prosperity. Mounting social problems will not be eliminated either.

So, I repeat. Our objective is not to take power at all costs. Our objective is to guarantee freedom and democracy and hand over governance to the people of Iran at all costs, even at the cost of sacrificing our lives.

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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